Tarot Reading by Circe
Circe has more than a decade of experience reading Tarot cards, both on a professional and personal level. Trust her to bring her own particular flavor of cartomancy to the world of Eorzea.Many people seek out Tarot readings as way to seek guidance about conflict in the lives, gaze through the veil at the fates, or divine an ultimate truth from the universe. Tarot can be a space of self-reflection and inner meaning for those of little faith. Whatever your needs, Circe and her well-worn deck can guide you down your path.
Pricing:3 Card Spreads - 500k per reading1 Card Guidance - 200k per readingDaily Aspiration Subscription- 1mil per week (7 readings)Custom Readings (6 or more Cards) available on request. Pricing starts at 750kTips appreciated but not required.**Appointments may be scheduled ahead of time by Discord DM @ circekirenay